Friday, November 12, 2010

Kal has "man-chest". And is testing tonight in karate.

Here is a photo of my chest. Explanation to follow...

Yesterday I put on a tight sweater and looked in the mirror. I immediately went "jeeze... what are those bumps? Is my shirt bunching?" So I go to smooth them down, and realize that they are my oversized chest muscles! Haha! Now, it's hard to really see when I have a sports bra on, so the photo above doesn't really illustrate very well, but you get the idea. With my shirt off... it looks like I'm a buff dude with d-cups. Kind of awkward. 

I have yet to reach my 1000 pushups a week goal. 300 the first week, 400 this week. Building up. But I AM seeing a big difference. I am SO much quicker at them in class now... and clearly it has also had a physical affect on me. 

There have also been major improvements in my stamina and endurance. I can breathe! I'm still doing the e-cigarette and a rollie every other day, but it's been two weeks since I bought smokes. It's hard. I still really want cigarettes, but being able to breathe in class and make it through without needing to stop and rest is amazing. I did two straight hours last night, and was fine. 

As for weight... That gain really did a number on me mentally. I can't afford to gain. I also can't afford to smoke. So I did something that goes against my usual attitude about health, and I bought Hydroxycut. I don't see this as a weight loss plan or solution, but it seems to be working.  It keeps me from mindlessly munching in the absence of smoking and gives me energy for working out. It's not healthy. I know that. But quitting smoking IS healthy, and so is working out. If this can get me through the initial struggle, so be it. 

Today I am a little over 212 lbs. MUCH better than the 216 that gave me a mental breakdown! 

Tonight I test for my first degree brown belt... the last belt standing between me and black. I am nervous! I did my forms last night and totally had a brain fart halfway through two of them. I am going to work today to jog my memory before the test. This is the first time I have tested since I was in my early teens. I don't think my senseis would encourage me to test if they believed I would fail. Let's hope I don't. 

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